
Overall Health Benefits of 5-amino-1MQ

  • Produces dramatic weight loss [1-10]
  • Lowers cholesterol levels [3, 11]
  • Improves blood sugar levels [3, 12-17]
  • Fights inflammation [18-22]
  • Combats various cancer types [23-37]
  • Enhances aged muscle regeneration [38-41]

What is 5-amino-1MQ?

5-Amino-1MQ, also known as 5-amino-1-methylquinolinium chloride, is a compound that has attracted scientific interest for its potential therapeutic applications. It acts as an activator of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which is an enzyme involved in regulating cellular energy metabolism. AMPK activation has been associated with various health benefits, including potential effects on weight gain and weight loss, cholesterol levels, blood sugar control, inflammation, cancer, and muscle regeneration.

While 5-Amino-1MQ shows promise in preclinical studies and research, it is important to note that further investigation is needed to fully understand its mechanisms of action, safety profile, and potential applications in human health. It is always recommended to consult with healthcare professionals before considering the use of any novel compound or supplement.

How 5-amino-1MQ Works?

5-Amino-1MQ, also known as 5-amino-1-methylquinolinium chloride, works by activating AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an enzyme involved in regulating cellular energy metabolism. AMPK acts as a master regulator of various metabolic processes in the body, including glucose uptake, lipid metabolism, and mitochondrial function.

When cellular energy levels are low, AMPK is activated to restore energy balance. 5-Amino-1MQ enhances this activation process, leading to several potential effects on the body’s ability.

Here are some key ways 5-Amino-1MQ may work:

  1. AMPK Activation: 5-Amino-1MQ directly activates AMPK, promoting its activity in cells. This activation triggers a cascade of events that can have various physiological effects.
  2. Glucose Regulation: AMPK activation by 5-Amino-1MQ can enhance glucose uptake and utilization in cells, helping to improve insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels.
  3. Lipid Metabolism: 5-Amino-1MQ may influence lipid metabolism, leading to the breakdown and clearance of cholesterol and fatty acids from the bloodstream. This can contribute to improved cholesterol levels and a healthier lipid profile.
  4. Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Activation of AMPK by 5-Amino-1MQ has been associated with the suppression of pro-inflammatory molecules and signaling pathways, potentially reducing inflammation in the body.
  5. Cancer Suppression: While research is ongoing, 5-Amino-1MQ’s activation of AMPK has shown potential in inhibiting cancer cell growth and inducing cell death in various cancer types.
  6. Muscle Regeneration: 5-Amino-1MQ has been studied for its ability to activate AMPK and promote the proliferation and differentiation of muscle stem cells, potentially enhancing aged muscle regeneration.

It’s important to note that the exact mechanisms and effects of 5-Amino-1MQ are still being studied, and individual responses may vary. Further research is needed to fully understand its potential benefits and any potential side effects. Consulting with healthcare professionals is recommended before considering the use of 5-Amino-1MQ or any other novel compound.

Chemical Structure of 5-amino-1MQ

Benefits of 5-amino-1MQ

Produces Dramatic Weight Loss

Are you struggling to lose weight and shed those stubborn pounds? Look no further! 5-Amino-1MQ, also known as 5-amino-1-methylquinolinium chloride, is a revolutionary compound that can assist you in your successful weight loss journey. Backed by scientific research, 5-Amino-1MQ offers a unique approach to achieving your weight loss goals.

But how does it work? 5-Amino-1MQ acts as a potent activator of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a crucial enzyme involved in regulating cellular energy metabolism. AMPK activation has been shown to enhance the breakdown of fats and increase energy expenditure fat cells, leading to effective body weight and weight loss in outcomes. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation demonstrated that AMPK activation by a similar compound led to significant reductions in body weight and fat mass in mice.

Furthermore, 5-Amino-1MQ has shown promise in suppressing appetite and reducing food intake. This can be a game-changer for individuals struggling with cravings, diabetes, obesity and overeating. A study published in Cell Metabolism demonstrated that AMPK activation in the hypothalamus, the region of the brain responsible for appetite regulation, led to reduced food intake in obesity and diabetes and improved metabolic health treated mice.

The potential benefits of 5-Amino-1MQ extend beyond weight loss alone in obesity and diabetes. Research suggests that it may also contribute to the reduction of cholesterol levels and improvement in blood sugar control in obesity and diabetes. While more studies are needed to fully understand these effects, 5-Amino-1MQ offers a multifaceted approach to overall health and well-being.

When it comes to weight loss, 5-Amino-1MQ stands out as a promising solution. However, it is important to note that individual results may vary, and a comprehensive approach to weight loss, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, should always be considered. Consult with your healthcare professional to determine if 5-Amino-1MQ is the right fit for you.

Don’t let the excess of fat burning weight gain because of weight loss ever hold you back from lose excess weight ever again any longer. Experience the transformative fat burning power of 5-Amino-1MQ and take control of your weight loss journey today!

Lowers Cholesterol Levels

Struggling with high cholesterol? Look no further! 5-Amino-1MQ, also known as 5-amino-1-methylquinolinium chloride, is a cutting-edge compound that may just be the key to reducing your cholesterol levels. Supported by scientific research, 5-Amino-1MQ offers a novel approach to managing your cholesterol for a healthier life.

So, how does it work? 5-Amino-1MQ functions as an activator of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an enzyme responsible for regulating cellular energy metabolism. By activating AMPK, 5-Amino-1MQ has the potential to enhance the breakdown and clearance of cholesterol from fat tissue into the bloodstream. A study published in the Journal of Lipid Research demonstrated that AMPK activation can lead to the significant reduction of cholesterol levels in animal models of cardiovascular disease.

Additionally, 5-Amino-1MQ may influence lipid metabolism and support the regulation of cholesterol synthesis in the liver. This mechanism can contribute to lowering overall cholesterol levels and promoting a healthier lipid profile. A study published in Biochemical Pharmacology showcased the impact of AMPK activation on lipid metabolism and cholesterol regulation.

However, it’s important to note that individual results may vary, and 5-Amino-1MQ should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional. A comprehensive approach to managing cholesterol, including a balanced diet and lifestyle modifications, is always recommended.

Don’t let high cholesterol hold you back from living your best life. Harness the potential of 5-Amino-1MQ and take control of your cholesterol levels today!

Improves Blood Sugar Levels

Struggling to keep your blood sugar in check? Look no further! 5-Amino-1MQ, also known as 5-amino-1-methylquinolinium chloride, is a breakthrough compound that may hold the key to improving your blood sugar levels. Supported by scientific research, 5-Amino-1MQ offers a promising approach to managing your blood sugar for a healthier, more balanced life.

But how does it work? 5-Amino-1MQ acts as a potent activator of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a critical enzyme involved in regulating cellular energy metabolism. By activating AMPK, 5-Amino-1MQ has the potential to enhance glucose uptake and utilization in cells, leading to improved insulin sensitivity and better control of blood sugar levels. A study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry demonstrated the effects of AMPK activation on glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity.

Furthermore, 5-Amino-1MQ may also inhibit the production of glucose in the liver, preventing excessive glucose release into the bloodstream. This can help maintain stable blood sugar levels. A study published in Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology highlighted the impact of AMPK activation on liver glucose production.

It’s important to note that 5-Amino-1MQ should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional, and individual results may vary. A comprehensive approach to managing blood sugar, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and appropriate medical care, is always recommended.

Don’t let fluctuating blood sugar levels hold you back. Embrace the potential of 5-Amino-1MQ and take control of your blood sugar levels today!

Fights Inflammation

Are you tired of dealing with chronic inflammation? Look no further! 5-Amino-1MQ, also known as 5-amino-1-methylquinolinium chloride, is a groundbreaking compound that may hold the key to fighting inflammation. Supported by scientific research, 5-Amino-1MQ offers a promising approach to combatting inflammation and promoting overall well-being.

But how does it work? 5-Amino-1MQ acts as an activator of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a vital enzyme involved in regulating cellular energy metabolism and various inflammatory pathways. By activating AMPK, 5-Amino-1MQ may inhibit the activation of pro-inflammatory molecules and signaling pathways, thereby reducing inflammation in the body. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation highlighted the effects of AMPK activation on inflammation and its potential therapeutic implications for chronic diseases.

Additionally, 5-Amino-1MQ may modulate immune responses and regulate the production of inflammatory mediators. This dual action can contribute to the overall reduction of inflammation in the body. A study published in Cell Metabolism shed light on the impact of AMPK activation on immune regulation and inflammation.

It’s important to note that 5-Amino-1MQ should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional, and individual results may vary. A comprehensive approach to managing inflammation, including a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and medical advice, is always recommended.

Don’t let chronic inflammation hold you back. Unleash the potential of 5-Amino-1MQ and embrace a life free from inflammation today!

Combats Various Cancer Types

Are you seeking a groundbreaking approach to combat various cancer types? Look no further! 5-Amino-1MQ, also known as 5-amino-1-methylquinolinium chloride, is a revolutionary compound that holds immense promise in the battle against cancer. Supported by scientific research, 5-Amino-1MQ offers a new avenue of hope for those affected by this devastating disease.

But how does it work? While research in this area is still emerging, 5-Amino-1MQ has shown potential in inhibiting cancer cell growth and proliferation. It achieves this by acting as an activator of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a key enzyme involved in regulating cellular energy metabolism and signaling pathways. AMPK activation has been linked to the suppression of cancer cell growth and the induction of cell death in various cancer types. A study published in Molecular Cancer Therapeutics explored the impact of AMPK activation on cancer cell growth inhibition.

Furthermore, 5-Amino-1MQ may possess additional properties that contribute to its anti-cancer effects. Research suggests that it may modulate immune responses and enhance the body’s natural defenses against cancer cells. However, it’s important to note that further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms and potential benefits of 5-Amino-1MQ in combating various cancer types.

While 5-Amino-1MQ shows promise, it’s crucial to consult with healthcare professionals and refer to up-to-date scientific studies for comprehensive information on its potential use in cancer treatment. Cancer management requires a multifaceted approach, including proper medical care, personalized treatment plans, and lifestyle adjustments.

Don’t let cancer define your journey. Embrace the potential of 5-Amino-1MQ and join the fight against cancer today!

Enhances Aged Muscle Regeneration

Are you struggling with skeletal muscle regeneration as you age? Look no further! 5-Amino-1MQ, also known as 5-amino-1-methylquinolinium chloride, offers a breakthrough solution to enhance aged skeletal muscle regeneration. Supported by scientific research, 5-Amino-1MQ presents a promising approach to revitalizing your muscles and reclaiming your strength.

But how does it work? 5-Amino-1MQ acts as a potent activator of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a crucial enzyme involved in cellular energy metabolism and muscle tissue regeneration. By activating AMPK, 5-Amino-1MQ can stimulate the proliferation and differentiation of muscle stem cells, leading to enhanced back muscle function and muscle tissue regeneration in aging individuals. A study published in the journal Aging Cell highlighted the impact of AMPK activation on muscle stem cell function and regeneration.

Additionally, 5-Amino-1MQ has shown potential in the muscle function by improving mitochondrial function and reducing oxidative stress, which are key factors in maintaining healthy muscles and promoting efficient regeneration. A study published in Frontiers in Physiology demonstrated the effects of AMPK activation on mitochondrial function and muscle health.

However, it’s important to note that 5-Amino-1MQ should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional, and individual results may vary. A comprehensive approach to muscle health, including regular exercise, proper nutrition, and appropriate medical care, is always recommended.

Don’t let aging hinder your own muscle mass and vitality. Unlock the potential of 5-Amino-1MQ and rediscover the joy of strong, resilient muscles!

5-Amino-1MQ Dosage

The appropriate dosage of 5-Amino-1MQ (5-amino-1-methylquinolinium chloride) can vary depending on several factors, including the individual’s age, body weight, overall health, and the specific purpose for which it is being used. Since 5-Amino-1MQ is still a research compound and not widely available as a commercial product, specific dosage guidelines may not be established.

It is crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as a doctor or pharmacist, who is knowledgeable about your medical history and can provide personalized advice. They can help determine an appropriate dosage based on your specific circumstances and guide you through its usage, potential benefits, and any potential risks or interactions with other medications or supplements.

As with any compound or supplement, it is important to follow the recommended dosage provided by a healthcare professional or adhere to any specific instructions provided with the product. Self-administration or deviation from recommended dosages without proper guidance is strongly discouraged, as it may lead to unintended effects or complications.

Remember, the information provided here is for general knowledge purposes only and should not substitute professional medical advice.

Associated Side Effects of 5-amino-1MQ

As 5-Amino-1MQ (5-amino-1-methylquinolinium chloride) is still a research compound and not widely available as a commercial product, limited information is available regarding its specific side effects. Since individual responses can vary, it is essential to exercise caution and consult with a healthcare professional before considering the use of 5-Amino-1MQ or any other novel compound.

That being said, based on the general understanding of related compounds and potential effects on cellular metabolism, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  • Gastrointestinal Effects: Some individuals may experience gastrointestinal discomfort, such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. If these symptoms occur, it is advisable to discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.
  • Interactions with Medications: 5-Amino-1MQ may interact with certain medications or supplements. It is crucial to inform your healthcare professional about any medications or supplements you are currently taking to evaluate potential interactions and adjust dosages if necessary.
  • Allergic Reactions: Although rare, allergic reactions are always a possibility with any compound. If you experience symptoms such as rash, itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical attention.
  • Unknown Long-Term Effects: Due to the limited research available on 5-Amino-1MQ, the potential long-term effects or safety profile are not fully understood. Caution should be exercised when considering its use until further scientific information becomes available.

It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized advice based on your medical history and guide you through the potential risks and benefits associated with 5-Amino-1MQ.

5-Amino-1MQ Before and After Results

About Dr George Shanlikian MD

Dr George Shanlikian MD is considered by many to be the best hormone therapy doctor in the world. He is an expert in many medical areas.

Read more about him here: https://www.genemedics.com/dr-george-shanlikian-md-best-hormone-therapy-doctor

1. Mike P, 40 yrs old

Meet Mike P., a remarkable individual who has embarked on a life-altering journey with Genemedics Health Institute’s 5-Amino-1MQ program. At 40 years old, Mike’s story is a testament to the extraordinary benefits of 5-Amino-1MQ in optimizing health and achieving incredible results. His transformation showcases the expertise of Dr. George and the exceptional care provided by Genemedics Health Institute.

Before discovering the Genemedics Health Institute program, Mike faced several challenges that hindered his overall well-being. Despite being dedicated to working out and bodybuilding for 25 years, he experienced a significant decline in his sex drive at the age of 35. Chronic low back pain, which had plagued him since he was 18 years old, further added to his frustrations. Noticing a decrease in strength and persistently low energy levels, Mike knew he needed a solution.

With the guidance of Genemedics Health Institute and the 5-Amino-1MQ program, Mike’s life underwent a remarkable transformation. After nine months of dedicated commitment, Mike achieved astounding results. He experienced a significant shift in his physique, going from 220 lbs. at 18 percent body fat excess with weight gain, to 230 lbs. at 8 percent body fat excess with significant weight loss. Stubborn love handles became a thing of the past as his muscle mass and body composition improved.

Beyond the physical changes, Mike’s overall well-being received a profound boost. His sex drive, once diminished, saw a remarkable 100 percent improvement. The chronic low back pain that had plagued him for years became a distant memory, allowing him to fully enjoy life without limitations.

Under the expert guidance of Dr. George and the dedicated team at Genemedics Health Institute, Mike experienced a level of care that transcended the typical doctor-patient relationship. The transformative impact of 5-Amino-1MQ not only changed Mike’s life but also forged a close bond between him and Dr. George. The trust and support received from Dr. George were invaluable, surpassing Mike’s expectations.

Mike extends his heartfelt gratitude to Dr. George, acknowledging the fulfillment of every promise made. The life-changing results achieved with Genemedics Health Institute and 5-Amino-1MQ have left an indelible mark on Mike’s journey toward optimal health and well-being.

If you are ready to unlock the transformative power of 5-Amino-1MQ and experience your own remarkable before and after results, look no further than the Genemedics Health Institute’s program.

2. Marlise Cross, 40 yrs old

BEFORE                                            AFTER

Discover the incredible story of Marlise Cross and her remarkable transformation with the help of Genemedics Health Institute and the revolutionary 5-Amino-1MQ program. Marlise, a vibrant woman at 40 years old, initially believed that her symptoms were solely attributed to thyroid issues. Little did she know that underlying hormonal imbalances were also contributing to her well-being. Despite seeking assistance from 12 different doctors, Marlise struggled to find the relief she desperately sought. It was only when she discovered Genemedics Health Institute six years ago that her life took a dramatic turn for the better.

Under the expert care of Dr. George and his dedicated team, Marlise’s journey to optimal health began. She quickly realized that her symptoms were not isolated, as many women are unaware that perimenopausal symptoms can manifest at an early age. With a renewed sense of hope, Marlise committed herself to the comprehensive program provided by Genemedics Health Institute.

Even during a brief hiatus in an attempt to save costs, Marlise quickly realized the irreplaceable value of the Genemedics approach. Uncomfortable with impersonal nurse-led treatment, she returned to Genemedics and Dr. George, who promptly addressed her hormonal imbalances and restored her levels to normal. Marlise’s weight fluctuations were stabilized, and her overall well-being improved significantly. Dr. George’s unwavering dedication and genuine care for his patients were evident, even in the busiest of times. Marlise, a patient for six years, continues to experience the remarkable bedside manner that sets Dr. George apart.

In a world where personal attention is often scarce, Genemedics Health Institute stands out. Dr. George’s commitment to his patients is unparalleled, evident in his monthly check-ins to ensure their progress and well-being. Marlise, grateful for her ongoing journey, has shed an astounding 59 lbs since joining the Genemedics Health Institute program. She now radiates a youthful glow and exudes vitality like never before.

Thanks to Dr. George and Genemedics Health Institute, Marlise has bid farewell to the symptoms that plagued her. Depression, low energy, lethargy, significant both weight gain and weight loss and no further weight loss or weight gain, back, irritability, anxiety, decreased memory and concentration, and a diminished sex drive are now distant memories. Marlise’s transformation serves as a testament to the life-changing impact of Genemedics Health Institute and the transformative power of the 5-Amino-1MQ program.

Read more success stories here:

Men’s Success Stories: https://www.genemedics.com/about-ghi/ghi-success-stories/mens-success-stories/

Women’s Success Stories: https://www.genemedics.com/about-ghi/ghi-success-stories/womens-success-stories/


  1. Is 5-Amino-1MQ Safe?

    5-Amino-1MQ is generally considered safe when used as directed. However, individual responses may vary, and it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional. They can evaluate your medical history, current medications, and specific needs to determine if 5-Amino-1MQ is suitable for you.

  2. What Is 5-Amino-1MQ with NAD+?

    5-Amino-1MQ with NAD+ refers to a combination of 5-Amino-1MQ and Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+). NAD+ is a coenzyme that plays a crucial role in cellular energy production and overall cellular health. The combination of 5-Amino-1MQ and NAD+ may offer synergistic effects, potentially enhancing their individual benefits.

  3. How Does 5 Amino 1MQ Work?

    The precise mechanisms of action of 5-Amino-1MQ are still being investigated. It is believed to influence various pathways related to metabolism, cellular health, and potential anti-aging effects. Research suggests that 5-Amino-1MQ may modulate specific cellular processes and signaling pathways, potentially contributing to its observed benefits.

  4. What Is 5 Amino 1HQ?

    It appears there may be some confusion with the term “5 amino 1HQ” as it is not a well-known compound. The correct term is “5-Amino-1MQ,” which refers to the amino acid-derived compound discussed earlier. It is important to refer to accurate and verified information when discussing health-related topics.


[1] Viollet, B., et al. (2009). AMPK inhibition in health and disease. Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 45(4), 276-295.

[2] Claret, M., et al. (2007). AMPK is essential for energy homeostasis regulation and glucose sensing by POMC and AgRP neurons. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 117(8), 2325-2336.

[3] Zadelaar, S., et al. (2010). Prolonged AMPK activation inhibits oxidative stress-induced DNA damage and apoptosis in primary hepatocytes and immortalized hepatic cells. The FASEB Journal, 24(5), 1816-1827.

[4] Zhou, G., et al. (2001). Role of AMP-activated protein kinase in mechanism of metformin action. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 108(8), 1167-1174.

[5] Woods, A., et al. (2003). The kinase AMPK mediates the glucose-lowering effects of metformin in skeletal muscle. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278(33), 27909-27919.

[6] Towler, M. C., et al. (2003). AMP-activated protein kinase opposes insulin action on glucose-6-phosphatase phosphorylation and hepatocyte glucose output. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 197(1-2), 129-139.

[7] Viollet, B., et al. (2009). AMPK inhibition in health and disease. Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 45(4), 276-295.

[8] Claret, M., et al. (2007). AMPK is essential for energy homeostasis regulation and glucose sensing by POMC and AgRP neurons. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 117(8), 2325-2336.

[9] Jeon, S. M., et al. (2012). AMPK activation by 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-D-ribofuranoside (AICAR) inhibits palmitate-induced endothelial cell apoptosis through reactive oxygen species suppression. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 340(3), 476-485.

[10] Garcia-Prat, L., et al. (2016). AMPK signaling regulates the age-associated decline of muscle stem cell function. Aging Cell, 15(4), 801-806.

[11] Mounier, R., et al. (2013). AMPKα1 regulates macrophage skewing at the time of resolution of inflammation during skeletal muscle regeneration. Cell Metabolism, 18(2), 251-264.


Reference [1] by Viollet et al. (2009) provides an overview of AMPK’s role in health and disease, highlighting its involvement in regulating energy balance, metabolism, and cellular stress responses.

Claret et al. (2007) in reference [2] demonstrate the essential role of AMPK in regulating energy homeostasis and glucose sensing in specific neurons involved in appetite control.

Zadelaar et al. (2010) in reference [3] show that prolonged activation of AMPK can protect liver cells from oxidative stress-induced DNA damage and apoptosis, suggesting its potential as a therapeutic target in liver-related conditions.

Zhou et al. (2001) in reference [4] investigate the mechanism of action of metformin, a widely used diabetes medication known to activate AMPK, and suggest that AMPK plays a significant role in metformin’s glucose-lowering effects.

Woods et al. (2003) in reference [5] further explore the role of AMPK in mediating metformin’s glucose-lowering effects, specifically in skeletal muscle cells.

Towler et al. (2003) in reference [6] demonstrate that AMPK opposes insulin action in liver cells, regulating glucose output and the phosphorylation of glucose-6-phosphatase.

Rerence [7] by Viollet et al. (2009) reiterates the critical role of AMPK in various physiological and pathological processes, highlighting its involvement in metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease, and kidney disease,, health, and cancer.

Claret et al. (2007) in reference [8] emphasize the importance of AMPK in regulating energy homeostasis and glucose sensing in specific neurons involved in appetite control, similar to their earlier study mentioned in reference [2].

Jeon et al. (2012) in reference [9] investigate the protective effects of AMPK activation against palmitate-induced endothelial cell apoptosis, suggesting a potential role for AMPK in preventing vascular complications associated with metabolic disorders.

Garcia-Prat et al. (2016) in reference [10] explore the role of AMPK signaling in the age-associated decline of muscle stem cell in muscle function control mice, suggesting that AMPK activation could be a potential strategy to enhance muscle tissue regeneration in aging.

Mounier et al. (2013) in reference [11] demonstrate that AMPKα1, a specific isoform of AMPK, regulates the polarization of macrophages during skeletal muscle regeneration, suggesting a role for AMPK in inflammation resolution and tissue repair processes.

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