
What Is Menopause?
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Symptoms of Menopause
The symptoms of menopause are caused by fluctuating and declining hormone levels. They are similar to the symptoms of perimenopause, but can be much stronger and more disruptive. Symptoms of menopause include
- Hot flashes
- Night swears
- Fatigue and reduced energy
- Fat accumulation, especially abdominal weight gain
- Loss of libido
- Painful intercourse and loss of vaginal lubrication
- Reduction in the number of orgasms
- Hair loss
- Loss of skin elasticity
- Dry skin
- Itching, tingling, burning, or pins and needles in the skin (formication)
- Breast pain or tenderness
- Breast swelling
- Loss of breast mass
- Migraines
- Cardiac symptoms (racing heart rate)
- Joint pain and muscle pain
- Loss of memory and “fuzzy thinking”
- Mood swings and irritability
- Insomnia and sleep disorders
In addition to the outward symptoms of menopause, a woman's risk of chronic diseases rises
Estrogen and progesterone have a protective effect on the heart and arteries, by encouraging arterial flexibility and reducing the risk of coronary artery disease. After menopause, a woman’s risk of heart diseases rises rapidly until it becomes even to a man’s risk.
Progesterone and a healthy hormone balance protect against certain hormone-induced cancers, including breast cancer.
After menopause, bone turnover and bone cell formation is affected, raising a woman’s risk of bone fracture and thinning bones.
Aside from the physical changes that raise a woman’s risk of depression, there is an increased risk of depression and anxiety during and after menopause. Many women struggle with the loss of their fertility, which frequently comes at the same time that children are moving from the home, elderly parents are ailing, and the general sense of passing from middle-age to old age. In fact, menopause can by psychologically devastating.

Natural Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopause
Although the idea of menopause can be unsettling, fortunately women are not helpless to suffer through this transition period. While traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been discredited, it is possible to treat the symptoms of menopause with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), a natural treatment method that can restore your hormone balance, erase symptoms of menopause, and protect you against chronic diseases of aging.
It's Just Three Simple Step
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Report your symptoms and medical history to U.S.-licensed physician or nurse practitioner for evaluation
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Report your symptoms and medical history to U.S.-licensed physician or nurse practitioner for evaluation
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Report your symptoms and medical history to U.S.-licensed physician or nurse practitioner for evaluation
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